Monday, November 23, 2009

How can art be mirror of society?

"The School of Athens"-Raphael

It is true that art not only reflects society but actually is a true mirror of society. Paintings, as well as music and literature reflect the state of mind that is occurring in the society during that time. Even in the early days of stone age, men would draw simple paintings on the walls of their caves, expressing their daily lives in motives such as hunting. Another example would be during the 2nd world war, where society was suffering badly and many artist would draw and express their feelings in their gloomy and depressing paintings.

The Renaissance period was a period of "rebirth", new born knowledge, new horizons and experimentation. In his painting "The School of Athens", Raphael truly captured the "zeitgeist", the spirit that was developing, during the Renaissance era. The School of Athens symbolizes the first period of mankind in which the human spirit evolved. Philosophy, mathematics, literature,religion,science, astronomy, art and many other things were being experimented with and tooken apart based on what was known from earlier periods.Those things are exactly what Raphael depicted in his painting. Raphael shows numerous scientists and scholars, on the left side, the side of literature and humanist ideas and on the right, the side of science and math. On the left side you can see people writing, thinking and reading showing that new ideas and thoughts were built upon and written down for future reference. However, on the right side the scholars are using compasses, globes and other materials to show that they are flourishing a new era of scientific knowledge, for example the universe. Scientist were using telescopes and other ideas to find out more about the world they live in and the planets surrounding it. Raphael also depicted the architectures that was advancing in that particular era. The rounded arches and columns are clearly a sign of the use of old ideas (Greco-Roman) that humans then used to flourish their buildings and city with. Raphael visibly showed and captured the environment during the Renaissance era which can make anyone who sees the painting value the work these people have done.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My position in "The School of Athens"

Hypatia of Alexandra

If I were to place myself in the grand painting by Rapahel, "The School of Athens", I would probably be Hypatia of Alexandria, who stands on Plato's side in a white robe, glancing over her shoulder. She was a very brave and independent woman who was even said to be the first notable woman in mathematics, philosophy and astronomy. Her life was enriched with the passion of knowledge since she was the daughter of Theon (a professor in the University of Alexandria) who was believed to raising her to become the perfect human. At an early age she had already started teaching people, enlightening them with her knowledge making her one of the most unique and best students in "The School of Athens". Like Hypatia, I think of myself as an independent girl who likes to be a leader and help other people. I like to teach them things that they are unaware of, as well as listen to their opinions and reflect on them. Like her, I learn enthusiastically and like to play around with new ideas, building upon them. And even though, I am not as passionate about math and science than she was, I still have my own favorite subjects in which I like to take chances upon and improve on. Last but not least, like Hyaptia, I feel that sexism is wrong and erratic. She has shown all men, that women can be as smart as them and that they can accomplish things many other men can't, go to university and teach scholars all over Italy and Greece. Even though sexism is a smaller problem nowadays than it used to be in the Renaissance era, I sometimes still get upset when I hear about stories of unrighteousness toward women. However I do think that I would still need to work on myself a little more to become similar to Hypatia of Alexandria.