Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lost Boys Collage Reflection

My Lost Boys of Sudan Collage depicts the plight of the Sudanese refugees who were forced to migrate to different places. I have used the various SLR's whilst doing this project. Here is a more in-to-depth version of how I used the SLR's during the construction of my collage.

Think Creatively

I have a few creative elements on my collage that have important meaning. One of the more obvious ones would be the African-like tree which pops out due to its "colorful leaves" which are actually made up of colored pieces of crumpled paper. The tree plays a fairly large role in my collage because I think its meaning is very important. The tree represents the growth that happens within the lost boys during their journey. It illustrates not only the growth that developed in themselves, becoming more individual, but it also illustrates growth in education. They have come very far from where they have begun.
Another creative element that I have put onto my poster would be the giant detailed eye with the dove inserted. I placed this in the collage to illustrate that the lost boys see hope in their future. Last but not least a small yet creative element on my collage would be the picture of a destroyed village which I burnt on the sides to add to the effect. This is just simply showing all of the horrible things that have happened in the 20 years of civil war to the villages of Sudan.

Reason Critically

The images I picked to put on my collage, like ones of the refugee camp and war, show the shocking realism and everyday life of the lost boys. Some of my pictures are fairly symbolic, so I leave it to the viewer to decide how the picture speaks to them. I showed devastating pictures of crisis, yet I also showed pictures of hope and love, which in the end sums up what the whole journey of the lost boys represents, to me.

Communicate Effectively

Whilst creating my collage I made sure that I put pictures on it that created awareness to the conflicts of the lost boys of Sudan. I want the viewer to see images of the horrible times that the Lost Boys of Sudan have had in the past and then to also recognize some illustrations that encourage them to take action and help these poor people who have had a traumatic past (ex.colored hands on the upper left hand corner). The colored hands represent showing love and caring about people who are in need and most importantly take action and create awareness.

Live Ethically

Whilst looking at my collage, I want viewers to go on a journey and feel empathy for the lost boys of Sudan. By having pictures, words and symbols on my poster I want the viewer to realize how important this issue actually is and how much horrible things the lost boys have gone through. By having devastating pictures of war and massacre I want the viewer to feel sad for these people. However on my collage I also have happier things such as hope and light in the darkness. This will eventually end up to be an emotional roller coaster ride to the person who is receiving all of these different feelings and perspectives.

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