Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blog #1 Being a participant in MY destiny

"Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima"-Joe Rosenthal

The Needless Fear of Failure
“The boy reached through to the Soul of the World and saw that it was a part of the Soul of God. And he saw that the Soul of God was his own soul. And that he, a boy, could perform miracles.” (Coelho 145) Santiago, the protagonist in “The Alchemist” realizes the purpose of life and himself, and that God can communicate through him, while having the Apotheosis in his journey. Being a young shepherd boy who travels around the Andalusian countryside in Spain, Santiago has a strange dream of a precious treasure being buried under the Great Pyramids in Egypt. He discovers that his dream is his personal legend, his destiny. Even though the capricious deserts of Egypt are far away from the countryside and Santiago knows that he has to leave behind all that matters to him in his life, he decides to depart Andalusia and become a participant in his destiny. During his significant journey he meets unique people who not only teach him valuable lessons but also support and encourage him through this important moment in his life. He soon finds himself overcoming dangerous obstacles; finding the love of his life as well as discovering himself, as a person. Santiago possessed qualities such as knowledge, courage and determination, which help him through his meaningful journey to successfully achieving his destiny.

During his journey Santiago gains knowledge and understanding in a variety of different ways. In beginning of his mission, after he has the bizarre dream about a treasure buried underneath the Pyramids, Santiago meets Melchizedek, the King of Salem who teaches him about fulfilling destinies and the Principle of Favorability. He informs Santiago that ones destiny is something one has always wanted to accomplish and that dreams are personal and how a person chooses to interact with them is part of their destiny. He explains that Santiago’s destiny is to travel to Egypt and find the mysterious treasure that appeared in his dream. Since Santiago is still undecided and bewildered, Melchizedek tries to persuade him to come to the right decision by telling stories of people who never fulfilled their destinies and are now unhappy because of it. At some point in their conversation, Melchizedek explains: “It’s a force that appears to be negative, but actually shows you how to realize your destiny. It prepares your spirit and your will, because there is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it. It’s your mission on earth.”-pg.21. In this passage, Melchizedek defines the Principle of Favorability or beginners luck, to Santiago. This happens when a person first decides to become a participant in their destiny. In the beginning of your quest to achieving your personal legend; all of the universe will conspire and work together to help you achieve it. All of this information helps Santiago participate in his personal legend since he learns more about the purpose of destinies and knows that he should fulfill his own destiny because he doesn’t want to be unhappy like the people Melchizedek mentioned. This also makes him more resolute in achieving his destiny. Later on in his momentous quest, when Santiago travels across the desert with an Englishman, he learns about the Soul of the World. One night when the Englishman and Santiago take a walk, the Englishman states: “In alchemy, it’s called the Soul of the World. When you want something with all your heart, that’s when you are closest to the Soul of the World. It’s always a positive force”-pg.75. Santiago learns that everything on earth is part of the Soul of the World and that it supports and helps you in discovering your true destiny. The last person he meets that significantly helps him gain the most knowledge, is the alchemist himself. The alchemist is Santiago’s mentor in this novel. He guides him to his treasure, teaching him important lessons on the way. He teaches Santiago how to listen to his heart and how his heart can support and encourage him on his mission to fulfilling his destiny. Santiago realizes that his heart is connected to the Soul of the World and that they work together to guide him on his quest to achieving his personal legend. Learning how to listen to his heart, Santiago has come closer to his destiny as he now knows that wherever his heart is, is also where his treasure will be. His heart will guide him to his destiny. Knowledge and understanding help Santiago follow the omens sent from God and also help him view the world in an completely different way Not only did Santiago gain knowledge throughout his journey but he also became a lot more courageous.

While fulfilling his destiny Santiago builds upon his courage in different ways. Already at the beginning of the novel, when Santiago is faced with possibly the biggest decision in his life, he has to show courage. After having met with the King of Salem, Santiago has to decide if he should stay a shepherd boy in Andalusia for the rest of his life, or travel to a foreign country, all by himself to fulfill his destiny. Choosing to become a participant in his own destiny is courage. Even though Santiago does not know what is waiting for him out there and he is terrified, he decides to take a risk, be bold and travel to Egypt. While sitting on the countryside by himself, Santiago thinks “It (the wind) had brought with it the sweat and the dreams of men who had once left to search for the unknown, and for gold and adventure-and for the Pyramids. The boy felt jealous of the freedom of the wind, and saw that he could have the same freedom. There was nothing to hold him back except himself”-pg.27.This passage describes Santiago ponder, trying to figure out what he should do with his life. He realizes that he wants to be free and travel like the wind but he is not sure if he should leave behind his trouble-free life. He gathers his courage and decides to be like the wind. Another time in his journey where Santiago shows courage is when he is about to travel with the caravans across the desert to a town named Al Fayoum by the oasis. The desert is a fickle and very hazardous place and even though Santiago is given a warning by the camel drivers he is still determined to fulfill his destiny and is courageous enough to go out into the desert knowing what the consequences can be. Last but not least, when Santiago first meets the alchemist he is frightened of him. He thinks of him as a mysterious person as well has his mortal enemy. While meeting the alchemist “The horseman was completely immobile, as was the boy. It didn’t occur to the boy to flee. In his heart he felt a strange sense of joy: he was about to die in pursuit of his destiny. And for Fatima. The omens have been true after all. Here he was, face-to-face with his enemy but there was no need to be concerned about dying”-pg.105 Santiago is at the point of death but is not troubled. He is courageous and brave and knows that he has come a far way and it is okay for him to die and become a Soul of the World. Later on in their tense conversation the alchemist explains “Courage is the quality most essential to understanding the Language of the World”-p.106 After having a sword placed on his forehead, drawing a droplet of blood and being threatened, Santiago is even more courageous to visit the alchemist the next day, even though he doesn’t know whom he is dealing with .He later on realizes that the alchemist is not his enemy but his guide, his mentor. He again, takes a risk and stays courageous. Being courageous helps Santiago achieve his destiny because he has the guts and will to live a life he has never lived before in order to fulfill and achieve his destiny. Santiago has a lot of courage, however in order to have this courage, Santiago also has to have the unique trait of determination.

Last of all, determination was the last of 3 traits that helped Santiago during his significant journey to achieving his destiny. At the beginning of his journey when Santiago meets Melchizedek, the King of Salem he isn’t quite sure if he should believe him and travel to achieve his destiny or if he should just continue being a shepherd boy. However when he decides that he should become a participant in his destiny Santiago becomes very determined. After hearing all about destinies he is now willing to give up his old life in order to fulfill his destiny since he wants to become a happy and pure person. He gives Melchizedek his sheep and immediately sets off to, what he knows, will be a powerful and important journey. Even though Santiago is determined, he does have some moments in his journey where he feels like giving up. However his determination makes him powerful and bold and always ready to strive again to reach his destiny. In the beginning of his long journey Santiago travels to the hectic markets of Tangier. When Santiago gets all of his money stolen he is frustrated and lonely, wanting to go back home. Santiago decides to work for a crystal merchant so he can get enough money to return back to Andalusia. He helps the ill-tempered crystal merchant with cleaning the crystals and providing new display cases in order to improve the merchants failing business. After working for almost a full year, Santiago is ready to leave Tangier and return to his life back home. However he quickly realizes he should not easily give up on pursuing his destiny. While sitting at a bar Santiago, “suddenly felt tremendously happy He could always go back to being a shepherd. He could always become a crystal salesman again. Maybe the world had other hidden treasures, but he had a dream, and he had met with a king. That just doesn’t happen to anyone!”-pg.62 Here Santiago realizes that he can always go back to living his old life but he would probably never come this close to achieving his destiny ever again. He has enough money and determination, to finally travel across the dangerous desert to complete his personal legend. Another sign of determination is when Santiago meets Fatima, the love of his life at the oasis. However at the same time, Santiago also meets the alchemist who tells him to continue on in pursuit of his destiny. However Santiago is deeply in love and does not want to abandon Fatima. He thinks that she is worth more than his treasure and that she is his life now. He wants to stay and live in the oasis. However he realizes, with a little help from the alchemist and Fatima, that he has come so close to his treasure and cannot give up at this point of his journey. He can always come back and marry Fatima, after having found his treasure and having achieved his destiny. Last but not least Santiago shows a lot of determination while trying to turn himself into the wind. When the alchemist and Santiago finally get closer to the Pyramids they unfortunately collide into a group of tribesmen. They bring them to the tribe chief who rudely asks what they are doing, traveling across the dangerous deserts all by themselves. The alchemist gives the chief all of Santiago’s money that he has earned while working with the crystal merchant as well as informing the chief that Santiago is an alchemist and that he can transform himself into the wind. The chief doesn’t believe them so he tells Santiago that if he can’t transform himself into the wind in 3 days he will be killed. At first Santiago is frightened, mad and confused since he has no idea how to transform himself into the wind. But even though Santiago is afraid because he doesn’t know how to turn himself into the wind, he is still willing and determined to. After 3 days of gazing out into the beautiful and endless desert and listening to his heart, Santiago finally has to turn himself into the wind in front of the tribesmen and the alchemist. Santiago begins by listening to the desert. While talking to various natural forces Santiago starts feeling powerful, feels brave and strong-minded. He knows that he can transform himself into the wind and is determined and knows that he will never stop until he can become like the wind. This is the Apotheosis in his journey. It opens his eyes to a whole new world and a whole new person. Determination helps him participate in his destiny because it makes Santiago never have the fear of giving up. Santiago is is determined while in pursuit of his destiny.

After having traveled from the countryside in Spain to the majestic Pyramids in Egypt, Santiago overcomes challenging obstacles, finds true love and discovers himself, as a person. He soon finds himself back in Andalusia at he base of a sycamore tree where his treasure is buried. Knowledge, courage and determination are the traits that had helped Santiago in the pursuit of his destiny. Knowledge and understanding helped Santiago follow omens and view the world in an entirely different way, where as courage helped him be a bold risk taker and go out to travel in an unknown world in order to seek out his destiny. Last but not least determination helped Santiago never have the fear of giving up. Santiago has developed tremendously throughout the novel. He has changed from being a primitive shepherd boy to becoming a wise, independent and unwavering young man. Something Santiago has taught us is that it is important to not be fearful of achieving your destiny because if you let the fear take over you might never take the risk to seek it out.


A trait that I feel that I possess which could possibly help me become a participant in my destiny is courage. Courage is a superior trait to have when one wants to achieve their personal legend. Courage transforms you into becoming bold, strong and taking dangerous risks. At some point in my lifetime, when I discover my true reason for living, my personal legend, I will use my courage to be resolute and to never have the unnecessary fear of giving up. Even though a lot of people do not have enough courage to follow their dreams, I feel that I can rely on my powerful trait to go out there and achieve my destiny. There also might be some difficult hurdles along the way but I feel that with my courage, I will be able to get past all of them, instead of giving up, and I will continue and take more risks while in the pursuit of my destiny, just like Santiago, the protagonist in “The Alchemist.” All in all, courage is a great trait to posses because it can really help you on your meaningful journey to successfully achieving your destiny.

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