Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Love echoes in your heart


Love echoes in your heart

Enveloped in a bitter sweet coat of emotion

She challenges your destiny

"The First Kiss"- William Bouguereau

In "The Alchemist" Paulo Coelho displays the theme of love in a very powerful way. The novel describes love as being part of the Soul of the World, meaning that it occurs in life, nature and within people too. The first time when Santiago and Fatima meet, Santiago can feel that the Soul of the World is speaking directly to him and that he has found his true soul mate. However, after listening to the wise words of the alchemist, he also understands that Fatima is part of his personal legend and that she will never stand in his way of pursuing his fate. Love is a very powerful feeling and we can all experience it at least once in our lifetime. It is so powerful, that we feel like nothing else in the world matters anymore and that we never want to let it go because it is such an unbelievable feeling. The message that is being unfolded during the novel is that true love will never get in the way of living your life to the fullest and achieving your destiny. And also that people should search for love in order to be happy because the more you experience love the closer you will get to feeling the true happiness of life. One similarity between all cultures and times periods is that everyone shows love and appreciation to someone in the same way. One tells and shows the other that they love and care for them. This happens no matter where you are from, where you live or what gender or race you are. We ALL show appreciation to the ones we love. This indescribable feeling can be stretched all the way back to the first days of the existence of the earth. So all in all people should not give up in looking for love even if they have to overcome some obstacles along the way.

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