Saturday, September 26, 2009

Freedom lies in being bold

"Freedom"-Lisa Moore

"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but come through continuous
struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. " -Martin Luther King Jr.

In August 1963 the distinguished civil rights leader, Martin Luther Jr. presented his famous speech "I have a dream", in front of 250,000 people, offering the idea of freedom. With this quote he enlightens them by saying that the will of the African American race has to be strong in order to overcome this injustice and dark time in the history of America so that they can finally live in freedom. This culture of deprived people had to go through slavery, poverty, shame, injustice and segregation. Black people didn't have a lot of rights. They were not allowed to sit with white people on the bus, were not allowed to drink from the same water fountains or go to the same bathrooms, they were not allowed to vote and they also had to send their children to an "all-black"school which was usually in much worse condition than the school for white children. This was all a discriminating time. However Martin Luther King Jr. used a powerful trait of his and stood up for the African American race. He encouraged black people to stand up for their rights and "straighten their backs" in order to get the freedom that they needed. 6 years after his momentous speech in Washington DC, and 4 years after having the honor of winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Martin Luther King got assassinated on his balcony of his motel. However his message lived on in the hearts of people world wide.People can now look up to him as a righteous leader and fight for their own freedom. Songs, poems and movies have been inspired by this courageous man and now all black people understand that they should not be ashamed of who they are and stand up for themselves and their freedom.

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