Sunday, October 11, 2009

How can Da Vinci be characterized as a true Renaissance Man?

Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452 during the Renaissance era. The Renaissance got its name due to the "rebirth" and rediscovery of ideas and knowledge that was lost during the fall of the Roman Empire as well as ideas from Ancient Greece. People began to "open their eyes" and look at the world around them, curious about different aspects of life. They didn't rely on old manuscripts and books that were written in the past, and instead wanted to find out for themselves and wanted to experiment. Leonardo Da Vinci also wanted to go further and beyond than what other people have already found and desired to structure completely new ideas. He drew, sketched and wrote all of his thoughts and inventions in little notebooks, some of which still exist today. Looking at pages of some of these notebooks you could see that Leonardo was truly a genius. Not only was he very precise and detailed in everything he wrote down, but some of inventions actually made sense and you could see that Leonardo had put a lot of thought in them. Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter,sculptor, philosopher, scientist, mathematician, engineer, musician, architect and an inventor all in one. Not only did he paint some of the most beautiful drawings in history but he also thought of inventions and constructions such as making man fly with parachutes and helicopters, or making man go deep in the water with primitive scuba diving equipment. Having over millions of inventions, some of which are constructed today, and some of which never worked, Leonardo Da Vinci can be portrayed as a true Renaissance man.

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